About Mark Mazzarella 
Mr. Mazzarella brings the experience and wisdom gained over four decades and 95 trials to help parties resolve their conflict through mediation. He has participated in hundreds of mediations and arbitrations during the course of his career resulting in settlements totaling over $330 million and successful defense of nearly half a billion dollars in claims.
During his years of practice, Mr. Mazzarella developed a reputation for winning “unwinnable” cases. He did so in large part through a combination of creativity, ability to connect and communicate with the jury, and being able to identify and simplify the key issues in a case, however complicated. Unlike many in his profession, his practice was nearly equal in the representation of plaintiffs and defendants. This experience brings a balanced and unbiased perspective to every mediation.
In addition to his law practice, Mr. Mazzarella is an expert in human behavior, reading people, and deal-making. He brings unique skills and professional experience to his role as mediator which have proven to facilitate dispute resolution. He is a best-selling author, licensed real estate broker, serves as an expert witness in legal malpractice matters, and has worked with a number of high-profile individuals and Fortune 500 companies on impression formation.
Mr. Mazzarella is co-author of the best-selling books “Reading People” and “Put Your Best Foot Forward”. He is also a licensed real estate broker and has been personally involved in the development of over 400 units in San Diego County.
Mr. Mazzarella has welcomed the transition to mediation. He brings the same dedication that made him successful in in the trenches of the adversarial process in courtrooms from California to Washington DC to assisting parties navigate and negotiate a way out of expensive and exhausting disputes through unparalleled communication and conflict resolution techniques. His creativity often contributes to crafting settlements which contain non-traditional components leading to a resolution all parties can accept.
Phone: 619-238-4900
Email: mark@mazzarellalaw.com