Judge Halts Construction of Del Mar Heights High School for Second Time Over the last three decades, the California legislature has passed several important laws intended to protect the environment from unwarranted and ill-considered construction projects. A group of...

Month: June 2022
Do You Know How To Deal With Your Construction Defect?
Dealing with a Construction Defect Dealing with a construction defect can be frustrating. A commercial construction project can take years to plan and set in motion. Yet, despite all the work that you put into your project trying to anticipate everything that can go...
How Can I Avoid Intellectual Property Litigation?
Intellectual Property Litigation Litigation, regardless of the reason behind it, is always expensive. This is why most businesses seek to avoid it through prudent business planning, contractual negotiations with litigation avoidance in mind, dispute resolution...
What to do about Disputes with Lenders that Hold Up Construction Project Funding
Construction Project Funding When a developer has a dispute with the lender, it can be crippling for the project under development. If you are a developer in the middle of a dispute with a lender, it is helpful to know how the lender process and lender draws work so...