Construction Project Funding When a developer has a dispute with the lender, it can be crippling for the project under development. If you are a developer in the middle of a dispute with a lender, it is helpful to know how the lender process and lender draws work so...

Real Estate Litigation
Boundary disputes can be costly for businesses
Finding the right location in San Diego to open one’s business operations can be incredibly difficult. After considering applicable zoning regulations, ensuring compliance with city, state, and federal mandates, and agreeing to a fair and appropriate purchase price, a...
Foreclosures and litigation in California
A home purchase is one of the largest investments most people will make in their lives. Often, a home buyer will borrow part or all of the purchase amount of the home from a bank or other financial institution. When the buyer cannot make the payments on the loan,...
Do you need a real estate attorney in your dispute?
A lot of businesses have to deal with real estate in one way or another. But do they really need a real estate attorney? After all, in many instances a business can simply choose to work with a realtor and call it a day. But the truth of the matter is that there are a...
Don’t let a lender dispute upend your development project
As a developer, you need a steady stream of cash in order to bring your project into fruition. That might sound easy enough, but the fact of the matter is that disputes with lenders occur all the time. When that happens, you need to be prepared to take quick legal...
Do you have to disclose a death on your property?
California law requires homeowners to disclose any material defect a home might have before selling it. A material defect is any issue that would make a reasonable person think twice about acquiring a property. At a minimum, it would likely cause a buyer to reconsider...
Tips for Spotting Home Defects Before Buying
Annually, Americans buy roughly five to six million homes. Most of these homes take the form of existing structures. Whether you want to become a home inspector or not, knowing how to detect home defects is essential for any prospective homebuyer in California. Being...
Resolving boundary disputes in California
Property lines often feel personal. If two parties both believe a piece of land is theirs to do what they please with, disputes can quickly rise to the surface. These disagreements are not uncommon. One report estimated property owners file more than 3,000 boundary...